Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Why Should You Consider Tooth Whitening?

I have so many patients approach me daily asking about the tooth whitening procedures we provide here at the Langley Dental Practice. We provide a choice of treatments and each patient has their own unique reason on why they want to have the treatment done in the first place.

Tooth whitening is a cosmetic treatment which naturally lightens the colour of the existing teeth. Before I go any further, it is important to note that teeth are not naturally white, so this solution will lighten the teeth by a few shades, but will not make them brilliant white.

There are five reasons why a patient may decide to have tooth whitening done, these include:

  • Remove unwanted stains. Stains may be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol or coffee. Over time using these items will cause unwelcome stains which are impossible to remove. Whitening toothpaste, while promising to help hide stubborn stains, will not hide them effectively. Patients approach me to identify if tooth whitening can assist and hide the stains moving forward. The answer to this question is yes.
  • The patient is attending a special occasion and wants their oral health to look amazing. So many patients approach me because it's their wedding or their anniversary and they want their teeth to look lighter and healthier in photographs.
  • It is amazing the number of patients who will approach me for tooth whitening when attending an important interview. Smiling makes you more approachable and if you don't feel confident about your oral health and you don't smile, your chances of securing your dream position may be hindered.
  • Tooth whitening is known to improve confidence and boost self-esteem. So many of my patients advise that as soon as they have their teeth whitened and their teeth are a few shades lighter, they feel more confident, they are more inclined to smile and they feel better about themselves.
  • What many people don't realise is that as we age our teeth automatically yellow in colour, which can lower our confidence and self-esteem. I have a high volume of clients who approach me for our tooth whitening services due to their teeth yellowing with age and them wanting to feel younger.

The good news is that tooth whitening is relatively affordable and we provide two methods for our clients to choose from, helping them find the tooth whitening solution that meets their unique oral health needs and budget.

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  1. Dr Tariq,Thanks for sharing this article. It's Valuable information.

  2. Dr Tariq,Thanks for sharing this article. It's Valuable information.

  3. Dr Tariq Drabu can you tell us some medicine home remedies for tooth Whitening? i will appreciate if you can share

  4. Though your article is really informative

  5. Dr Tariq Drabu, Thanks for sharing this valuable article.

  6. Dr Tariq Drabu, keep sharing such easy home remedies with us. thankyou

  7. either a girl or a boy, if they have Peoples who have shining whitening tooth, they looks very attractive. I to Consider Tooth Whitening. Thanks for sharing article Dr Tariq Drabu

  8. after tooth polishing or whitening, does someone feeling itching or any other negative affect..???

  9. Dr Tariq Please answer Rusty Murdoc's question. I also have same query

  10. Removing staining is also work for whitening.

  11. tooth Jet air wash service will also helps for this. you can visit more information you can also visit:

  12. very informative post shared by dr tariq
